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next js 14 api routes

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What is api route in next js? Before we use api route, you should know next js. What is api route in 14 and how is it used? Next js is a full stack framework, you can use it for both frontend and backend. Using next js we can create full stack projects like We can create it which makes our work easier. Ever since Next JS came, it is being liked a lot.

next js 14 api routes app router

We use next js api route to crate the api, we use route to write the next js api and backend. In next js we use route to write the backend. In next js, if you want to create an api, then you have to write route.js in the name of your file, only then you will be able to create an api, otherwise you cannot create an api.

next js 14 api get post delete put routes example

  • How to create get post delete update api route in next js 14 and what is its use? We know how to create CRUP api route in next js 14. In next js 14, api route is used in the backend to create api. In next js 14, you can very easily create API ROUTE for all GET POST DELETE UPDATE.
  • next js 14 get api routes example

       const { NextResponse } = require("next/server")
    export const GET=async()=>{
        return NextResponse.json({'name':"your name"})

    next js 14 post api routes example

        const { NextResponse } = require("next/server")
    export const POST=async()=>{
        return NextResponse.json({'name':"your name"})

    next js 14 deletet api routes example

     const { NextResponse } = require("next/server")
    export const DELETE=async()=>{
        return NextResponse.json({'name':"your name"})

    next js 14 update api routes example

    const { NextResponse } = require("next/server")
    export const UPDATE=async()=>{
        return NextResponse.json({'name':"your name"})